Accademia di Belle Arti e Design
Academy of design and fine arts
Ancona – Italy
Poliarte – Academy of Fine Arts and Design is a design academy based in Ancona, Italy.
Since 1972 it has created and organized post-graduate design courses. Its mission is to train professionals and innovative key personnel in the Ancona – Italy constantly evolving world of work.
In 2022 Poliarte joined the Rainbow Group, one of the largest independent producers of the European audiovisual system and protagonist of the whole Film Industry chain – from production, and distribution to artistic management.
Rainbow created Winx, a phenomenon that led to the Fate series, then 44 Gatti, Pinocchio and Friends, A Classic Horror Story. The Colorado film production company and computer animation training institute, Rainbow Academy, are also part of the group.
For over 50 years Poliarte has been a point of reference for design and applied arts, recognized at both Italian and international level. Among the first establishments to deal with education in the design sector, it has immediately become a source of inspiration and a benchmark, thanks to its teaching methodology that combines research, techniques, and innovation.
From 2016, Bachelor Degree courses have been granted formal academic status – 1st level Academic Diplomas – thanks to accreditation from the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research – MUR. The Educational Syllabus is divided across 5 departments:
// Film industry design
// Fashion Design
// Industrial Design
// Interior Design
// Visual Design
Additionally, Poliarte offers short courses focusing on other design areas. It’s a syllabus requiring compulsory attendance, striking the perfect balance between theory and practice. Theoretical, creative, de- sign and workshop activities are undertaken with the aim of teaching students how to collaborate, how to communicate and build relation- ships, as well as inter-disciplinary studies across all the various areas of design. The founding element of Poliarte’s philosophy is the following: to create a connection and continuous exchange with the world of industry, commerce and business. A relationship of mutual interest that guarantees continuous progress and high-level training, offering places for talented individuals in companies through research projects, intern- ships and job placements.
Design is seen as a strategic and integral discipline, at the service of business and society, regardless of the field and the final application. Thanks to their privileged contacts with the commercial world (more than 2000 companies/design studios), Poliarte has an employment rate of 98% within 2 years of completing a Bachelor Degree qualification.
Akademia Sztuki w Szczecinie, Wydział Architektury Wnętrz
Academy of art in Szczecin
Szczecin – Poland
Academy of Art in Szczecin – a Polish public university conducting research and education in the field of music, fine arts, theater and humanities. It is supervised by the minister responsible for culture and protection of national heritage. The education of students is conducted at the first and second degree, in the fields of music (including instrumental studies, vocal, artistic education in the field of musical art) and visual arts (including graphics, interior design, new media, design). The Faculty of Interior Design will prepare the future designer to work in a design team, as well as for independent work related to the broadly understood design of interior architecture, small architecture, furniture, exhibition spaces, virtual space or scenography. At the first-cycle studies in the specialty of interior design, students learn to design residential and public spaces, small architectural forms in a traditional approach, but they also have the opportunity to present their project in virtual space using the most modern tools, which is becoming very desirable on the design market. The second degree of studies combines interior design, scenography and virtual space
Pécsi Tudományegyetem, Művészeti Kar
University of Pécs
Pécs – Hungary
The Faculty of Music and Visual Arts is located in the inspiring setting of the Zsolnay Cultural Quarter, in the renewed buildings that formerly belonged to the Zsolnay Porcelain Factory founded in the 19th century.
Pécs is the only center of higher education in Hungary that integrates training in music and visual arts. The Faculty was facilitated by the traditionally strong, nationally outstanding artistic life of Pécs.
This background enabled the Faculty, with its some six hundred students and hundred faculty members, to become a pioneering center that shapes the cultural life of the region. The high-quality work performed here is unique in a sense that it provides training in music and the visual arts in the context of an arts and sciences university. The Faculty of Music and Visual Arts is devoted towards internationalization; some 10 per cent of our students come from all over the globe and this community is continuously expanding.
The Faculty is proud to have outstanding personalities as Honorary Doctors both in music and visual arts: Jun Kaneko (2018), Plácido Domingo (2016), John K. Grande (2015), Peter Weibel (2013), José Carreras (2007), Horst Peter Maentele (2007), Lóránd Hegyi (2006)
Training and research in the arts are run by four units of the faculty with the following departments:
- Institute of Fine Arts – painting ▪ sculpture ▪ art history and art theory
- Institute of Design and Media Arts – ceramics design ▪ graphic design ▪ electronic music and media arts
- Institute of Music – solo instruments ▪ string ▪ wind ▪ brass and percussion ▪ orchestra ▪ music theory and choir ▪ chamber music ▪ conducting
- Doctoral School (DLA) – painting ▪ sculpture ▪ music
Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zíně, Fakulta multimediálních komunikací
Tomas Bata University in Zlín
Zlin – Czech Republic
Founded: 2021
Number of students: 1,150
Number of staff (FTE): 110 (incl. academic and technical)
Located in three buildings in centre of Zlín
Own art gallery (G18)
- Animation Studio
- Audiovisual Studio (Editing, Screenwriting, Sound, Directing, Production, Visual Effects)
- Department of Marketing Communications (approx. 500 students, the rest study in other studios)
- 10 Design Studios (Graphic, Digital, Game, Product, Industrial, Spatial, Fashion, Shoe, Product, Glass)
- Arts Management
90 partner agreements (Erasmus+)
40 incoming & 50 outgoing students each semester
Member of ELIA and CILECT
České vysoké učení technické v Praze, Fakulta architektury
Czech Technical University in Prague
Prague – Czech Republic
The independent Faculty of Architecture of CTU was founded in the mid-1970s, but the teaching of this field has an almost three-hundred-year tradition in Prague. From the mid-18th century, architecture education was taught as a synthesis of art, science, and technology as part of the teaching of building construction at the Estates School of Engineering, founded in 1707. The faculty offers 3 study programs: Architecture and Urbanism, Landscape Architecture and Design.
The study is organized into three study levels (Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral) allowing students to individually plan and implement their study activities, including study abroad, professional practice, and further education. The Bachelor’s cycle lasts 3 years, followed by a 2-year Master’s cycle. The doctoral program is at least four years long. In the academic year 2020/21, 1009 students studied in the Bachelor cycle. 548 students, 61 of whom are foreign, studied in the follow-up Master’s program. There were 157 students in the doctoral program. The faculty has 23 professors, 48 associate professors, and 126 assistant professors.
At the Faculty of Architecture, a large part of the studies is traditionally conducted as teaching on specific projects developed in studios. The possibility of choosing a studio project leader for each semester ensures direct feedback between students and teachers. Teaching takes place in so-called “vertical” studios in which students from the second to the fifth year work side by side on different types of projects. The projects are led by leading architects, urban planners, and designers from the Czech Republic and abroad.
Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, Katedra dizajnu nábytku a interiérového dizajnu
Technical University in Zvolen
Zvolen – Slovakia
Since 1952, the Technical University in Zvolen (also known as TUZVO) is a modern higher education institution in Slovakia providing education in all three levels of studies. TUZVO has a unique specialization with a focus on the spheres of the forest – wood – ecology – environment with an appropriate expansion in other technical, natural, security, economics as well as design, and art spheres. In the field of research, the TUZVO fulfils its mission by solving research projects and programs of national and international character. The department of Furniture and interior design is a part of the Faculty of Wood Sciences and Technology at TUZVO. In 1988 was established the study program Industrial design of Furniture and in 1993 bachelors study program Interior design and consulting. Since 2015 after complex accreditation, the department guarantees the study program for Furniture and interior design in the accredited field of Art in all three degrees of university studies. The provided education covers a complex area with the focus on furniture design, interior design, presentations, history and theory of art, graphic techniques, ergonomics, typology, methods of design thinking and sustainable design, historical furniture analyses, artwork, architectural creation, prototyping techniques, and materials and production techniques with overlaps to science and engineering disciplines which are ensured by other departments of TUZVO and their staff. The research activities of the department are dealing with a wide spectre of areas related to relations of the living environment, housing, humanity, and sustainable development. Applied research is aimed at the creation of innovative furniture and interior elements in the context of different research goals of particular projects. The main target of the Department is to emphasize the creativity of design and products and their correlation to create space relations in interior and exterior environments with unique value, emotion, user experience, and aesthetics. Department focuses its activities also at exhibitions of design projects in art galleries and furniture fairs and expos.
Department of Furniture and interior design in numbers:
The current number of students in all 3 degrees in 2022: 108.
The average number of alumni per year in all 3 degrees: 27.
Number of pedagogical employees in the Department in 2022: 13.
Technical and research staff: 3.
Number of active national and international projects for 5 years: 8.
Number of exceptionally and internationally recognizes artworks made by pedagogical staff during last 5 years: 28.
Vysoká škola kreativní komunikace
University of Creative Communication
Prague – Czech Republic
The University of Creative Communication was founded 10 years ago. Very soon it became a leading institution in Prague and also in Central Europe, instructing outstanding students in the field of advertising, visual arts, and creative writing. Today the university has more than 600 hundred students from all over the world.
Our study programmes/specializations Creative Marketing and Communication (Digital Marketing and Communication, Creative Marketing), Literary Arts (Literary Arts, Commercial Writing in Media) and Visual Arts (Photography and Audiovisual Arts, Animation and Visual Effects, Graphic and Media Design) are linked to the practical operation of advertising agencies, graphic studios, publishing companies and media institutions. During the studies, our students are working on real orders.
And what distinguishes UCC from other Czech colleges and universities? We are a world-class institution! We are inspired by the model of Scandinavian and British schools, so our students will acquire not only knowledge and craftsmanship throughout the studies, but also experience and contacts, which are a guarantee of success in finding a job in the chosen discipline. Under the guidance of experienced professionals, our students will become sought-after lyricists, journalists, PR consultants, graphic designers, photographers, filmmakers, and animators, artists of special or visual effects. Graduate of UCC is a professional that exquisitely masters his or her craft, modern technology and self-promotion.
Akademia Sztuk Piękych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu, Wydział Architektury Wnętrz, Wzornictwa i Scenografii
Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art & Design in Wroclaw
Wroclaw – Poland
The Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Fine Arts in Wroclaw is a state university with five faculties, educating students in full-time studies in eleven faculties and in five faculties in part-time form.
The academy’s educational offer also includes a Doctoral School in the field of art, in the discipline of fine arts and conservation of works of art conducted in full-time form with English as the language of instruction.
The academy allows you to develop your interest in the field of art through a wide range of postgraduate courses and further education courses in drawing, painting and sculpture.
Our main occupation is the study of culture and visual art. We are specialists in our fields with the competence, knowledge and experience to enable teaching, research and commercial work at the highest level. At the same time, we are constantly improving our skills in all possible areas of our academic activity.
We are a unique community that collectively strives to stimulate what is special in the people we teach and co-create with. We ask questions and teach to seek answers – we don’t stick to established patterns, we are constantly improving the processes of which we are a part. We invariably strive to be a center of understanding between culture, science and art.
The Faculty of Interior Architecture, Design and Scenography educates comprehensively prepared designers. The values that such professors as Wladyslaw Wincze and Michal Jedrzejewski brought to the didactic process are continued and constantly developed. Study programs are diverse and respond to contemporary design challenges. The Department provides education in the Interior Design major including the Interior Design Department and the Furniture Department, in the Design major the Design Department and in the Scenography major the Scenography Department. These departments bring together studios, subjects and their respective workshops.
Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave, Fakulta architektúry a dizajn
Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Bratislava – Slovakia
The Faculty of Architecture and Design is the largest and the oldest school of architecture in Slovakia, educating the experts capable of designing the engineering activities in the areas of architecture, urban planing, spatial planning, design of residential, civic, industrial buildings and agricultural buildings and their complexes, in the reconstruction of cities, restoration and protection of monuments and in the product, industrial, automotive, interior and exhibition design.
The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava offers university education in engineering disciplines. Its education system is based on the scientific research, as well as the artistic, engineering and other creative activities. The University faculties, departments, institutes and experts cooperate directly with industrial companies and social organisations, while actively participating in international cooperation.
The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava keeps long-term relations with foreign universities and institutions, while systematically signing new cooperation agreements, creating thus favourable conditions for cooperation with faculties, departments and individuals. Contractual partnerships enable participation in the international projects. Belonging to the University key activities, those projects produce financial sources and contribute to further development of the University, while simultaneously providing for mobility of teachers as well as postgraduate and undergraduate students. So far, we have signed 432 Erasmus+ agreements on international cooperation with 276 institutions from 28 countries from all around the world.
More information f.e. here:
Széchenyi István Egyetem Művészeti Kar Design Tanszék
University of Győr, Faculty of Art Design Department
Gyor – Hungary
Széchenyi István University is located in Győr, at the centre of Central Europe’s “Golden Triangle”. Our university offers unique training and research in the region, which serves engineering-focused production activities, helping build the North-Transdanubian economy and its social and institutional infrastructure. Our activities provide students with a high-level, professional, and practical education. Graduates are thus able to adapt to the highly competitive and changing marketplace.
As evidence of the University’s strong commitment to internationalization, from September 2019, twenty-four English-taught programmes at all Academic levels are on offer, as well as a range of international programmes for Hungarian language students. One of the University’s newest prides is the Design Department of its Faculty of Arts, which launched its BA and MA in Architecture, Design and Graphic Design in the academic year 2021/22, followed by the Design MA in English the following academic year. The lecturers of the Design Department are prominent professionals in the Hungarian creative industry, many of them internationally well known and award-winning.
The aim of the Design courses is to transfer competitive market knowledge and to provide the broad education, openness, innovative thinking and flexibility needed to succeed in the creative industries in the long term. To develop these skills, we believe that mobilising students to participate in international projects is an excellent opportunity. To embed and develop the skills of students internationally, we would join the project to be submitted by the Academia di Belle Arti di Ancona.
More information about the Design Department can be found here:
For more information on the activities of Széchenyi István University, please visit:
A dynamic, contemporary, and intercultural journey that explores the many different aspects of Italian design and manufacturing, which takes place in the Marche, a region that comprises all the particular features of the Italian peninsula in terms of production, fine art, history, architecture and landscape.
18 students in design and fine art from the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia will attend 2-week online courses plus 2 weeks in person in Ancona to discover how the scientific and specific methodology of the Italian design process can respond to the current regional and societal needs of V4 students.
The great news of the second edition:
‘ – course will be also open to students coming from NON V4 EU and extra EU countries
‘- students can choose between two specific path: Industrial/Interior design or Fashion/Accessories/Graphic design
Creating a more international scenario, giving V4 students the opportunity to get in touch with young designers coming from several EU and extra EU countries. Culture, languages, and different ways of project approaches will be combined to realize creative, unusual, original, fresh, and out of the box design visions, developing an international network of youth and inspired designers.
An innovative teaching methodology that combines research, innovation, hands-on projects and techniques to create real-life solutions that meet the contemporary needs of companies and end-users. Creative and design activities will be accompanied by additional work designed to improve collaboration, communication and relationship-building.
Students will learn to relate to each other and with teachers/ speakers. The methodology and best practices used by Italian designers will be shared initially through theoretical and then later through re- al-life examples, in order to subsequently be used and adapted to the students’ countries and local economies.
Inquiry and experiential learning components have been combined in an atelier-like environment. Seminars and workshops become the framework in which students, alongside the professors, became the protagonists in design discourse, challenging the project’s boundaries and developing and applying a critical mindset.
The Italian way of design can be integrated into the strategies and processes of local companies and artisans, translating this regional expression of the transformation of society and markets into contemporary and socially useful products and services.
History, tradition and proven methods are combined and improved with a strong innovative drive and fresh, out-of-the-box thinking.
Once back in their home countries, students will act as ambassadors and promoters of good design practices, introducing and influencing their network and future companies and colleagues as to how the Italian way of design can have a positive impact on their businesses.

Alzbeta Prosova, 1999 – Prague, Czech Republic

Kristian Rudenko, 1996 Moscow - Russia
– 1. So, I’m a bit of a perfectionist, but I’ve learned to balance it by setting realistic expectations. I love diving into reworking something when I’m not satisfied with it. I’m all about nice things and finding that sweet spot right in the middle of the alignment chart.
– 2. Cars, interior design, and industrial design are my jam! All sorts of machines that can fabricate on their own tickle my curiosity, especially 3d printers and cncs. And contemporary art and tech? Count me in! It’s like a never-ending adventure. Same with cinema and tv. I’m fond of old classics and new metamodernist takes.
– 3. Speaking of accomplishments, I’ve got a degree under my belt, tied the knot with the love of my life, and even scored my own apartment and car. On top of that, some of my designs won competitions and are now being sold. It’s been a wild ride, but I’m always dreaming about the future and what’s yet to come.

Filip Kovalsky, 2003 – Ostrava, Czech Republic

Sára Julie Frajtová, 2001 Liberec - Czech Republic
To introduce my self a bit. Since I was a kid, I have been interested in magazines that covered interior and exterior design, therefore it was my dream to become an architect… well, or an astronaut. Ultimately, I pursued neither of these paths, but I didn’t stray away from design. In particular, I decided to study graphic and media design. Nevertheless, I’m grateful to have the opportunity to go back to my childhood dream and get a little glimpse into other realms of design – specifically interior design.

Jan Kaděra, 1999 - Uherské Hradiště, Czech Republic

Rastislav Kubica, 1999 - Trencin, Slovakia
I consider myself as very communicative and reliable person with positive attitude to job with a huge dose of passion. I like people and i like working in good group of designers. I still like learning new things, because it´s fun.

Balázs Rovo, 2001 – Szeged, Hungary

Levente Mosolygo, 2001 – Esztergom, Hungary

Borbala Lukats, 1998 – Pecs, Hungary

Eszter Kovacs, 1996 – Pecs, Hungary

Patrycja Oliwia Ilcewicz, 2000 – Szczecin, Poland

Wiktoria Urbanska, 2000 – Szczecin, Poland

Anna Wojciechowska, 1999 - Nowa Sól, Poland

Mateusz Frąszczak, 1999 – Kalisz, Poland

Barbora Hagarova, 1999 – Handlová, Slovakia

Eva Polgaryova, 1998 – Martin, Slovakia

Margaréta Janovcová, 1998 – Brezno, Slovakia

Mario Pelka, 1997 – Šaľa, Slovakia
Gruppo LUBE
The company was established in the year 1967 in the little town of Treia (Marche Region), in the heart of Italy, thanks to the experience and insight of its two founders, and soon became renowned for the quality of its products and the aggressive business strategies.
Gruppo LUBE includes the Cucine LUBE and CREO Kitchens brands and is currently the number one Italian kitchen company, both for the turnover (270 million Euro in the year 2022) and the quantity of the manufactured kitchens (350 daily, over 85.000/year), that are exported in over 85 countries worldwide. The heart of the company growth strategy is the Store concept, with over 700 single-brand stores inaugurated just in Italy in the recent 3 years. The Cucine Lube and Creo Kitchens brands offer wide collections, ranging from classic to modern models and including 480 different door finishes. The Gruppo Lube strength is the flexibility, meaning as the capacity to satisfy every request of the client regarding style, materials and customization.
Today, Clementoni is an important well-established player in the industry, proudly Italian and strongly focused on foreign markets whilst rooted in its place of origin, where it invents, designs, and develops all of the products in the catalogue. Clementoni is a trailblazer and standard-bearer of Italian excellence in Europe and all over the world, exporting to 83 different countries and boasting a turnover of 210 million euro (April 2021 – March 2022), 28 million games sold each year, 7 product lines, 1,100 new codes yearly, 600 employees, 9 sales subsidiaries in addition to the headquarters in Italy (France, Germany, Spain, UK, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Turkey, and Poland) and 1 operational branch in Hong Kong.
MADE IN CLEMENTONI: production chain and know-how
Clementoni is a completely integrated Italian enterprise able to create a game in its entirety, from initial idea to end product. What are the constituent elements that underpin our know-how?
1. A manufacturing tradition that goes back 60 years and is based on Mario Clementoni’s down-to-earth philosophy that he used to sum up with the words: “if you don’t know how to make something, you can’t buy it either”. Since that time back in 1963, Clementoni has never looked back.
2. The integrated production chain: all the games and toys are designed, developed and industrialised in Italy with a R&D team made up of over 60 toy practitioners.
3. Clementoni’s toy practitioners are one big team of youngsters with an approximate average age of thirty. 50% are women and they have university degrees in a wide range of subjects, ranging from educational studies, psychology, design to graphics, etc. and they are able to follow the whole process from A to Z, meaning concept development to design and right up to the graphics stage.
4. Support for the local area: the company has always been acutely aware of the importance of a short production chain and in 2012 it started to bring back some of its outsourced China production to Italy in a move to favour local businesses and re-assume direct control of the process.
5. In 2022, 40% of the company’s suppliers come from the Marches region.
6. Familiarity with consumer needs through ongoing conversations not only with families and children, but also with schools (over 100 across Europe) and teachers. A dense network made up of enduring relationships based on mutual trust.
7. Receptiveness to innovation: our conversation with the outside world is fuelled by constant contact with startups, universities and research centres which gives us insight into new trends and drives our product development.
CLEMENTONI believes in the social value of play
People and their welfare have always been a central part of Clementoni’s work and projects and the company has striven tirelessly to create games accessible to everyone, regardless of age or personal circumstances. Accessible in the sense of affordable, accessible in the sense of easily available and accessible in the sense of simple to use.
… and in 2023
28 million games sold
4% of consolidated turnover invested in R&D Ranked 11th on the European toy market (internal reclassification of NPD data)
83 countries reached worldwide
90% of our production activities take place in Recanati, Italy
50,000 sq. m. is the size of our plant
All Play For Future Products are made in Italy at the Recanati plant.
Poltrona Frau
Ploltrona Frau has been a leader in the world of Made in Italy furnishings since 1912. It values artistic aptitude and meticulous craftmanship, using only the highest-quality raw materials, like Pelle Frau® leather which makes it the ideal go-to for high-end furniture for the home and office. The search for style has led Poltrona Frau to create classic pieces that express a unique and intimate elegance, from Chester and Vanity Fair, designed by the founder Renzo Frau, to Dezza by Gio Ponti and Titanio, a project by Pierluigi Cerri that won the brand its first Compasso d’Oro Award. Today collections include iconic pieces from Jean-Marie Massaud, Ludovica + Roberto Palomba, Roberto Lazzeroni, GamFratesi and Neri&Hu. Poltrona Frau fosters an exquisite blend of tradition and innovation in its two other business units, Interiors in Motion and Custom Interiors.
Interiors in Motion specializes in developing exclusive interiors for luxury cars, yachts, rail and aviation and has collaborated with many of the worlds most respected luxury brands, including Ferrari, Porsche, Ducati, McLaren, Ferretti Yachts, Pershing, Riva and Singapore Airlines to name just a few. Custom Interiors develops seating and interiors solutions for auditoriums, theatres, airports, public spaces, office and store showrooms and hotels, working closely with many of the most influential architects and designers globally. It has partnered with the likes of Renzo Piano, Foster + Partners, Frank O.Gehry, Jean Nouvel, Zaha Hadid Studio and David Chipperfield to support many of their most important international projects.
The heart of all operations is in Tolentino, in the heart of the Marche region in Italy where the brands expertise that has passed from generation to generation, and has proudly earned numerous certifications for environmental sustainability and recognition of policies that protect the health and safety of employees.
Rainbow S.p.A. has been operating in the children’s and teen entertainment segment since 1995 and is one of the leading international players in the production of television and film products, as well as one of the leading European players in the creation, development, and licensing of content.
The Rainbow Group’s business consists of the creation and development of both animated and live action content, the creation of television and film products inspired by them, and their subsequent commercialization, including through licensing.
During its more than 28-year history, the Rainbow Company has created and developed several properties. The portfolio of products is broadcast in more than 130 countries through different broadcasting platforms, and the same are marketed through leading companies in their fields of reference on a global scale.
In addition to the main property Winx Club, for which eight television series have been produced, including a spinoff (PopPixie), three dedicated feature films, and a parallel series called WOW – World of Winx, the Company has produced many other series such as Monster Allergy, Huntik – Secrets and Seekers, Mia and me, and the feature film Gladiators of Rome. Between 2018 and 2021, Rainbow also produced animated hit series 44 Cats and Club 57, a live action coproduction with MTV Networks Latin America Inc, a company of Viacom Group. Furthermore, in 2021 the latest animated properties Pinocchio and Friends and Summer & Todd have been launched. In addition to animated productions, Rainbow has also been expanding its product offer in the TV and film production market dedicated to adults and families.
In 2017 Rainbow acquired Italian leading Group Iven and its TV formats and film library owned by Colorado Film Production, an Iven Group company that has been active in the market for over 30 years. Among the TV formats, new products including “Big Show” and “Enjoy” were added to “Colorado,” which is now in its 20th edition. 2022 saw the release of miniseries “Me contro Te: La famiglia reale” airing on PrimeVideo since September 2022, but also two editions of TV show “Only Fun – Comico Show” airing on Channel NOVE since May 19, 2022. The thriller “My Name is Vendetta” was launched internationally on Netflix end of November 2022, and comedy film “The Price of Family”, was released on Netflix on December 19, 2022. The comedy “Tre di troppo” directed and performed by Fabio De Luigi was distributed by Warner Bros in theaters from January 1, 2023, and comedy film “Me contro te 4: Missione giungla,” also distributed by Warner Bros Pictures, was released in theaters from January 19, 2023.
TOD’S Group